As a former member of Culinary Workers Union Local 226 who once worked as a cocktail waitress at Caesars Palace to help put herself through college, Jacky supports pro-worker policies and has been a strong ally of Nevada workers in office.
Jacky believes one job should be enough and that hardworking Americans deserve fair pay and benefits, including quality health care and a secure retirement. She is a fierce advocate for workers’ rights to negotiate for better wages, safer workplaces, and fairer treatment.
In the Senate, Jacky helped introduce the PRO Act to strengthen workers’ rights across the country to form a union and bargain for better wages and benefits. She supports raising the federal minimum wage, requiring equal pay for equal work, making it easier to afford child care, and providing all workers with guaranteed paid parental, medical, and caregiving leave as well as guaranteed paid sick leave. Jacky is also a leading advocate in the Senate fighting to ensure federal funding includes Davis-Bacon prevailing wage standards and Project Labor Agreements to ensure projects are done right and on time by skilled workers.